Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Aetnaville Bridge

Aetnaville Bridge - Wheeling, WV
The Aetnaville Bridge was constructed in 1891 and linked the north end of Wheeling Island to Aetnaville, or what is now the north end of Bridgeport, OH.  Although the village of Aetnaville is no longer existent, the bridge served horses, automobiles, and pedestrians up until December of 1988 when it was deemed unsafe and closed to autos.    Since 1988 pedestrians and cyclist have been using the bridge.  At a recent Preservation Forum sponsored by the Friends of Wheeling and the National Heritage Area Corporation, the audience was asked to brainstorm about their top 5 endangered buildings/structures in Wheeling.
Here's the list:
  1. Fort Henry Club
  2. Aetnaville Bridge
  3. 15th Street, East Wheeling
  4. Monument Place
  5. Professional Building
The Wheeling Heritage Trails association has a plan to save and preserve the bridge.  As part of their extension plan for the trail they plan on using the bridge as a gateway to west.  Aside from cyclist, pedestrians from Wheeling Island, Bridgeport, OH, and Martins Ferry, OH use the bridge everyday.  Many of those pedestrians do not own cars, and the bridge provides a shorter route to and from work, school, or the grocery store.  Recently the bridge has been ruled unsafe by engineers, and in the near future may be sealed off completely.  If that happens engineers will have to examine if funds should be set aside to repair/preserve the bridge, or demolish it.
Aetnaville Bridge - Wheeling, WV